The Unpeople Person: An anthology of poems for people who find others challenging

Before I Start

Before I start, 

I’d like to make it clear

That most of people will completely disagree

With all the words that I write here.

For they think they know best

About what everyone needs

And it isn’t their fault

They have a different default.

But neither is it mine.

Just Passing By

‘Oh I was just passing by.’

Why didn’t you just keep on going?

‘Special’ Occasions

Every car

Catches my eye,

Waiting for people

Who think that I’m kidding

Or don’t really mean it.



I do.

But really,

It exhausts me.

And by this evening

My person will be 

Picking up the pieces,

Not fondly reminiscing about a day

Full of cake and best wishes.

I get it.

It’s my fault:

I welcome you in with a smile,

Make chit-chat

(Frantically planning the next question while

Analysing your answer to the last),

Offer you a cuppa

(So I can escape to the kitchen)—

Do all the things a ‘good host’ should.


Next year,

How about a simple text

Or good old-fashioned card?


Of course,

You know best.

Life Begins

At 5 I was confident and fearless;

I could do anything,

And I did.

By 10 I knew I was different,

And so did all the other kids.

By 15 I’d hidden behind my studies:

At least it was a reason to be an outsider.

At 20 I met my person:

The one who gets me.

He taught me a lot

(I’m still taking lessons).

At 25 I hit the workplace:

Packed lunches in the multi-storey.

By 30 I’d swapped the staffroom

For the stationery cupboard.

At 35 I was at the top of my game

And completely disillusioned 

In a world that did not fit my ideals

(Or morals).

By 40 I was exhausted

Trying to fit into a world

Where I didn’t belong.

At 45 I decided to stop pretending

And start living

My life.

(By 50 I hope I’ll be a bit better at it).


I tried them on once.

They didn’t fit.